Final list of papers


  • 60 submitted, 30 accepted, 1 invited


  • R K Shyamasundar and Mathai Joseph


  • R Narasimhan


  • Maurice Nivat
    Theory and practice in programming

Refereed papers

  1. S Rao Kosaraju
    Redistribution of Computations for improving the Worst-Case, 3-8
  2. A. Bagchi and A. Mahanti
    Admissible Heuristic Search in AND/OR Graphs, 9-19
  3. R.K. Shyamasundar
    On the Impossibility of infix to prefix translation by a pushdown machine, 21-27
  4. Kripasindhu Sikdar
    On the Complexity Classes and Optimal Algorithms for Parallel Evaluation of Polynomials, 29-38
  5. Sandra A. Mamrak
    Installing Existing Tools in a Distributed Processing Environment, 49-56
  6. N. Natarajan
    Program Structure for Decentralized Algorithms, 57-66
  7. Mukul K. Sinha
    Approximate Transactions: a methodology for solving a class of data-base problems, 67-74
  8. K.C. Anand
    Experience with the task Structuring for a Real Time System, 75-86
  9. Sanjay Mittal and B. Chandrasekaran
    Software Design of Knowledge Directed Systems, 87-??
  10. K.K. Nambiar and T. Radhakrishnan
    A Study of Saturated Sets and Functional Dependencies in Relational Data bases using Linear Graphs, ??-107
  11. Rohit Parikh
    Models for Programs, 109-120
  12. R.H. Perrott
    Synchronous Parallel Programming Languages, 121-133
  13. N. Soundararajan
    Correctness Proofs of CSP Programs, 135-142
  14. Anwar Jafri
    Languages of Functional Schemata for Parallel Processing, 143-151
  15. Manabu Toda, Katsushi Inoue and Itsuo Takanami
    Two-Dimensional Pattern Matching by Two-Dimensional On-line Tessellation Acceptors, 153-166
  16. Bhargab B. Bhattacharya, Bidyut Gupta and Arun K. Choudhury
    Generalized Circuit Signature of Combinational Logic Circuits, 167-178
  17. T.R.N.Rao, Lois M.L. Delcambre and Awad Iskander
    Cyclic Codes and Finite Field Arithmetic, 179-186
  18. Bernard Chazelle and Louis Monier
    Unbounded Hardware is equivalent to Deterministic Turing Machines, 187-192
  19. Phalguni Gupta and G.P. Bhattacharjee
    Parallel Generation of Lexicographic Combinations, 193-200a
  20. Dhruva Nath, S.N. Maheshwari and P.C.P. Bhatt
    Efficient VLSI Networks for Parallel Processing Based on Orthogonal Trees, 201-216
  21. Ratan K. Ghosh and G.P. Bhattacharjee
    A Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Fundamental Set of Cycles of an Undirected Graph, 217-226
  22. B.H. Jajoo and H.V. Sahasrabuddhe
    Data Flow Analysis of Structured Programs, 227-240
  23. Abha Moitra
    Relation Between Algebraic Specifications and Turing Machines, 241-249
  24. M.N. Muralidharan and H.V. Sahasrabuddhe
    Permutation Algorithms: A case study in Algorithm Schema Transformation, 251-259
  25. Akira Nakamura and Kunio Aizawa
    On a Relationship Between Graph L-Systems and Picture Languages, 261-280
  26. Taiho Kanaoka and Shingo Tomita
    A Whirl Decomposition of Stochastic Systems Based on the Substitution Property, 287-296
  27. R. Siromoney, G. Siromoney and K.G. Subramanian
    Extended Table Matrix Grammars, 297
  28. K.S. Rajasethupathy
    A Parsing Algorithm for NPG-Grammars, 299-308

Accepted for short presentation

  1. Sukhamay Kundu
    An O(v) Algorithm for Computing transitive reduction of a Planar Acyclic Digraph, 39-48
  2. R. Siromoney, V.R. Dare and K.G. Subramanian
    Infinite Arrays and Infinite Computations, 281-285