40th IARCS Annual Conference on
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
December 14–18, 2020
Bits Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India40th IARCS Annual Conference on
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
December 14–18, 2020
Bits Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, IndiaFSTTCS 2020 is the 40th conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. It is organised by IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science. It is a forum for presenting original results in foundational aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology.
Representative areas include, but are not limited to, the following.
This year, in track B, with a view to having sufficient representation in the program from "Foundations of Software Technology" we particularly solicit submissions in the areas of programming languages and practical verification, including, but not limited to,
We also encourage proposals for workshops in this area.
Submissions must be in electronic form via EasyChair using the LIPIcs LaTeX style file. Submissions must not exceed 12 pages (excluding bibliography), but may include a clearly marked appendix containing technical details. The appendix will be read only at the discretion of the program committee. Simultaneous submissions to journals or other conferences with published proceedings are disallowed.
Accepted papers will be published as proceedings of the conference in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) as a free, open, electronic archive with access to all. Authors will retain full rights over their work. The accepted papers will be published under a CC-BY license. For an accepted paper to be included in the proceedings, one of the authors must commit to presenting the paper at the conference.
The goal of the workshop is to have a prolonged discussion on some of the classical as well as more recent results on various aspects Matrix Rigidity. We will start with a couple of tutorials, which will help the unfamiliar audience get acquainted with the notion, followed by a few talks on some of the recent results.
How to design processes so that they interact well over time, if they set out with private, incomplete knowledge of their environment and have limited communication resources? Interdependent, dynamic decisions under imperfect information are a main challenge to distributed computing, and game theory offers a grip where probabilistic models struggle.
In this workshop, we illuminate some classical and some modern approaches from game theory and computing science for representing and reducing uncertainty, and to living with it.
The subject of verification is well studied and has been successfully deployed in practice. As a result, several fundamental techniques have evolved over the years. This workshop aims to discuss some of the classical concepts in verification, with a focus on recent advances.
The workshop will take place over two days concurrent with the main FSTTCS 2020 conference. The focus of the workshop will be on all areas of Programming Languages, including but not limited to program analysis and verification, applied formal methods, and compilers.
The conference will be held on Zoom and all the registered participants will receive an email with the relevant details. The pre-recorded presentations of all the contributed talks are available on the conference YouTube channel.
We will be live-streaming the conference talks as well as the talks in the satellite workshops. This can be viewed here.
The registration for FSTTCS 2020 is open. We have two categories of registrations: premium registration and basic registration. There is no difference between a premium registration and a basic registration in terms of entitlements. We request participants to register in the premium category if it is affordable.
The fee for premium registration is INR 11000 (approximately 130 Euros or 150 Dollars).
Click here for premium registration.
The fee for basic registration fee is INR 1000 (approximately 12 Euros or 14 Dollars).
Click here for basic registration.
The deadline for registration is December 8, 2020.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the PC chairs of Track A or Track B.